First of all, every player needs to know how to hit a one-handed backhand- even a player who has a great two handed backhand. One of the real keys to the successful execution of a one-handed backhand is the role that the non-dominant hand plays during the stroke. As you begin the forward
swing with your hitting arm on a one-handed backhand, the other arm needs to extend back and away from your body.
My favorite tennis tip for a beginner that you can apply is to wait. Yes, wait, because it takes time for your brain to start making adjustments from all that information coming in. So when a coach instructs you hit in a certain way or aim for certain area of the court, do your best to hit that. And then wait until your body adapts. Don't look for results after 10-20 shots. Wait. The results will come, be patient.
Contact Mark
by email - or by phone - 412-951-6772 | 412-422-0734